The CAADFutures 2017 Istanbul workshops provide vibrant opportunities for researchers and industry practitioners to share their research experience, original research results and practical development experiences on specific new challenges and emerging issues of design computing.

The organizers and chairs of the workshop shall have the responsibility of the call for papers, forming program committee, review, and selection of papers as well as planning the workshop program. The registration fee for workshops will be determined by the conference (not the workshop itself). The fees will be paid to the conference, and the conference will provide workshop facilities including the working notes printing, the meeting room, coffee break, etc.

Workshop Program

10 July 2017 / 13:30-17:30 / Room134

This workshop aims to bring together researchers and practitioners who are interested in materials with embedded technologies and their utilization in architectural design processes. Read more.

2. POLYHEDRAL TESSELLATIONS A WORKSHOP ON 2D AND 3D PATTERN TRANSFORMATIONS, by Sibel Yasemin Özgan and Begüm Hamzaoğlu, Istanbul Technical University
10 July 2017 / 09:00-17:00 / Room136

The comprehension of the spatial relations of complex geometries stand as one of the main future trajectories of design computation. This workshop session aims to highlight such relations by providing participants with an understanding of a different kind of transition. Read more.

3. TRANS-DISCIPLINARY MODELS OF DESIGN INNOVATION, by Tuba Kocatürk, University of Liverpool and Cesare Griffa European Institude of Design
11 July 2017 / 09:00-17:00 / Room134

The workshop resonates with the CAADFutures 2017 theme: “Future Trajectories of Computation in Design” in the sense that special emphasis will be placed on how digital design tools/methods (i.e. computational design) can aid the achievement of transdisciplinary innovation. Read more.

4. GAMING WITH AN AUGMENTED CUBE, by Leman Figen Gül, Müge Halıcı, Can Uzun, Muzaffer Karslı, Istanbul Technical University
11 July 2017 / 09:00-13:00 / Room136

This workshop aims to provide participants an opportunity to design and visualise with the cutting edge Augmented Reality (AR) technologies through practising a leading game engine- Unity 3D- and its’ AR plug-in -Vuforia. Read more.

5. INTERACTION WHERE? UNDER THE BRIDGE, by Tuba Özkan, Parsons School of Design, Sibel Yasemin Özgan, İstanbul Technical University, Selen Çatalyürekli
11 July 2017 / 09:00-17:00 / Room131

Participants of the workshop are expected to observe and examine the everyday practices under the Besiktas bridge and to design a user-interactive platform which provides new ways for social engagement. The brief will ask participants to identify potential moments/situations etc. to turn it to responsive environments through physical computing by using Arduino Microcontroller and different sensors. Read more.